Cica-large leaf warbler is a type of whole body with a dominant green color. This bird has a scientific name Chloropsis sonnerati and belongs to the tribe Chloropseidae; closely related to birds cipoh (Aegithina spp.).
In English, this bird was known as the Greater Green Leafbird.
The types of CICA-leaf also known as the Common Bird leaves, and traded under the name Murai leaves.
Medium-bodied, with a total body length (measured from tip of beak to tip of tail) of about 22 cm.
Like most CICA-leaves, whole body dominated by bright green color (green leaves), including wings and tail; while the cheeks and throat shiny black males.
Differences with other CICA-leaf is the absence of color (dot) blue on the shoulders male birds.
Female bird with a yellow throat and a yellow eye ring.
Both sexes have a pair of sparkling blue malar stripe on the side of his chin.
Iris dark brown, thick black beak and feet bluish gray.
Java is often referred to as bird cucak cucak green or green.
For bird enthusiasts Cucak Ijo, can download this application as a reference for the care of his birds Cucak Ijo,
because in this application there is some important information about the bird Cucak Ijo:
* Know the green cucak
* Type cucak green
* Gender cucak green
* Choose a nice green cucak
* Care cucak green: daily, before the race, after the race, the conditions drop, over lust, moult
* Captive cucak green: pairing, feed settings, incubation eggs, chicks management, breeding cage
* Addressing the problems cucak green: sound jammed, gacor only in one place, mbagong / mbalon, too giras, too spoiled, ngentrok conditions, failed to open the field during the race
This application can be used in the offline or without internet connection.